Monday, August 8, 2011

Smathers and Branson & Let's Be Preppy!!!!

Now, for this entry I have more ways than EVER to enter!

1. For 1 entry become a fan of Smathers and Branson on facebook
2. For 1 additional entry (2 total) become a fan of Let's Be Preppy on facebook
3. For 1 more additional entry (3 total) follow Smathers and Branson on Twitter
4. For 1 more additional entry (4 total) follow the Smathers and Branson Blog (super easy for any blogger users!!)
5. For 1 more additional entry (5 total) tweet about this giveaway!
6. For 1 more additional entry (6 total) post about this giveaway on your blog!
7. The fine print: the winner can pick an in-stock, non-monogrammed or custom belt!

Leave all your entries in 1 (ONE) comment here! I will be tallying the totals and getting back to everyone with a winner on Tuesday August 9! GOOD LUCK!

This post will stay live until then (as in no more posts until then) so keep your eyes out belt-lovers!!

Can't wait to see WHO WINS!!! Good luck y'all!!


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

It Has Been A While

OK so since the last time that I have been around to writing on my blog I have been in a accident with my car and totaled it, finished school, finally became a senior, went to tons of graduation parties, and passed out on a patio. Well now that we have got through all of the boring stuff. Its now time to talk about what I have been doing all summer. I have been spent almost every free minute out with different friends, which is fun just makes for some really really late nights (1 or 2 ish). Last Sunday I spent the day doing really nothing while I was getting paid it was quite nice, here are the pics from when I was on the clock. I have now found a new car that I am so excited for and cant wait to get out and drive it. Other then that there is nothing that most people don't already know. I will try to up date my blog three or four times a week, but I am not making any promises. Hope that everyone is having a good summer and that I hear from you soon.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

No More Running

With the end of track past and no more training for the rest of the season, this has presented itself with a whole new chance for me to do something. Now untill I find out what to do with that exrta time i just go home early and have extra time to do some homework. Being home early means that I am the only one home for about two hours or so. And with those to hours that I have i get a chance to thing and catch a little nap. Well today was something was one of those days that was nothing I really expected. I recived a letter from someone that entered my life a year ago. He showed up for a not so good reason but he helped me get to a better place then I was then he showed up. Now i am sitting reading his letter and thinking about why I stopped seeing him in a long time, the only good reason is that I thought that I was back to normal and ok to go. And becasue of things that go on in my everyday life, that seem to keep happening and now even most recently, I am not a good that I think. Now I am hopeing that I can get thought everything on my own, but still would it be ok that I use this crutch again or will I ever learn on my own? Oh well that about it, now I am going to try and catch some sleep for my ACTs tomorrow.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Today was one of the most lad back days that I have had in a long time. It was nice. Now the only problem is that I now have to do a ton of homework. Oh, well all that I know is that I am makeing some money tonight. BOOYAAAHH!!!! All that I know is that I am looking forward to this weekend, time to go all out and live it up. So hold and get ready.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I have been looking at some old race results this afternoon and was tracking my times. I know that I have been getting better but just about every year I seem to hit this barrier that i cant really get through. And the next year I shatter that time, sometimes just by a second or two, but other years I shatter it by a bunch of seconds. The one thing that I just cant figure out is what stops me from not hitting that wall every year. After spending Friday night up in Boulder, I realized a few things. I dont always go for that new faster time, not even thinking about it i freak myself out of hitting that faster time. I know my legs can go faster i am just afraid, not really sure why, it just happens. Once I figured that out I looked a few other parts of my life and saw that I did freaked myself out there too. So this weekend will be my real last chance to prove myself, to on one else but my myself, that I can go for what I really want.

Friday, April 27, 2007


I am off to Boulder tonight to pick up some supplies and see some friends, so if you want anything call. I am not sure how fast I will get back to you but I will see what I can do.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Snow Day

So ever since I was a little kid, I believed that a snow day was something that came maybe once a year. And the guy who picked what day would be a snow day was from Alaska and drove an insane Hummer, so that the once a year thing was a gift. This year we have been blessed with the rare occurrence of not one but two snow days. The first snow day was a believable one, there was about 36 inches of snow on the ground and with all of the bad drivers it just made sense. While today to have a snow day called was one of not the best ideas the guy with the Hummer has had. I can see why he did that, cuz at my house there was a good 8 inches of snow and no power for 21 hours. I for one was not in the mood to go to school, in that case take the ACTs or my AP mock. While it was nice, it just seemed a little out there. Now i don't know if the guy from Alaska with a Hummer really exist, but if he does maybe its time that he was replaced with a new guy. Try looking in Siberia.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Short Story

Once upon a time there was this ordinary man. He did nothing that would make him stand out all he would do is what he believed that every human being should do for every other human. The only problem with this guy was that he was a little cocky, because he knew he was right all the time he had to show it. The easiest way to do that was be force full and frankly and ass about it. It did not really bother him what people thought. He knew that people would talk about him regardless of what he did, so he liked doing stuff for people to talk about and not having people making things up. He also learned that because he was talked about so much people must look up to him and want to be around him. Now this posed a problem, how would he be able to do what is right and still be able to spend time with everyone that wanted to. Time management, was the best thing that he could come up with to do. He figured that he would spend most of his time with the people he respected the most. Because he was such a popular person he, had a lot of feelings and emotions that he did not know how to express or even who he could talk to. After many nights of lying awake, he was still no closer to knowing what to do. Now I know this sounds a little corny, but fate was looking for something to do and he ended up getting a phone call at about one in the morning. He did not mind, well it was not really the best time to call, he appreciated that someone wanted his advice. Once his friends problem was solved, the friends wanted to do something to thank him. All he could come up with is that his friend listen to his problems and give his advice. Soon the word from his friend that he gave good advice was a well known fact. He had people calling him all the time wanting some help, he did not really mind. He quickly learned that he should only help people who wanted help and really needed the help. And he soon had a small group of people that were able to tell his real feelings and the he could talk to and not feel silly. He would talk with his group of friends about anything and everything, form school to girls, to what was the best meal he had ever had. After a lot of talking he finally started to get an interest in this one particular girl. There was nothing super special about this girl just that he captivated every thought that he had. So he went after her and pursued her every way he knew how to. After many many long weeks of work and pursuit she saw n him what he say in her. So the dating courtship begun. Once he finally felt that he was ready to tell her how he really felt he did with out hesitation. And the girl was shocked. She never thought that in a million years that he would express his feelings. Well of course the first thing that she did was give him a wondering but pleased question is he was serious. Because he had made up his mind he said that that was the truth. Later on that night he went to bed with the best feeling in the world. Only the problem would not be known to him until the morning. When he saw the girl that he liked she was different then the night before. She was really cautious of what he was doing. He was completely lost about what was happening. When he finally confronted the girl about it she said that he was to good to be true and did not want to get hurt. Well this was like a kick in the nuts for the guy. Again he tried everything he could do to show the girl that he was serious. The girl finally gave up all hope, because she was so stuck on the fact that he was lying and he wanted something other then a relationship from her. This was absolutely devastating to him. He just did not know what to do, and yet again he spent all night sitting in bed wondering what he could of done differently.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Well there is one thing that i forgot, so I have had this burning question that i cant get out of my mind. How can one minute someone be so confused and lost about what is going on, and just half a second later this little bit of light comes out and makes everything seem hopefull again. If anyone has an answer to this question let me know, cuz i have know clue even where to begain.


So this has been a pretty odd week. I am only going to spend a minute on this subject, so bare with me. My school received a hit list in the bathroom, and this just following Virginia so that was a bad idea. Well i spent most of the day on friday just chilling with half of the school not there. It made for a fun day just a little on the boaring side. Oh well enough of that, friday day i went up to Greeley and played a lot of jazz that was not so good, but we ended up doing pretty well to the judges. After a little bit of time we watched a concert that I would of been better off sleeping through but it was still fun. And today, today i got my tux. I am supper stocked about i cant wait for prom and looking all fly.
I like putting a picture of what I was doing in the past days, but I forgot my camara so I this is something that I found that I really liked. That's about it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Prom Info.

Ok so if you are reading this its probly cuz you are in my prom group. So here is all the info once and for all. The limo is a Land Rover Discovery, for $92, for 16 people. Dinner is a Buca de Peppos. Pictures we are still deciding on a place, but as soon as i know i will let everyone know. Until later , have fun and just wait till prom. All pictures relating to prom will be posted at

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Day After Friday The 13th

So I think that today was the worst day in history, well just luck wise. When it came to running I ended up hitting the same time that have hit for the last moth in a half. And I know that Coach Pfipher ( I probably spelt that wrong) said that after you hit a plateau there is a peak, but right now I still think that he is full of crap cuz nothing has changes. Oh well I will get it sooner or later. Well besides the running thing, the day went not so bad. I got to know one of my friends on a different level and her and I spent most of the day just joking around and feeling a lot closer to her. Also I kind of fixed things with this girl I like. That is all thanks to a few of my friends. I am off to bed so that I am able to function in the morning.

Friday, April 13, 2007

I'm Back

So for the past few days I have had quite a trip during the past few days. First of all I ended up blowing up my computer. It was just that it crashed but there was smoke and noise and everything, actually it was pretty sweet; except for the fact that i didnt have a computer for a few days. Once my dad and I went out and picked out a new computer,I spent all afternoon figuringout how to make it work and getting all of our new data on to the new computer. Now its just time to get use to the all the new stuff.
Before I forget, I want to tell you about my tuesday. I climed to the top of the Castle Rock. Not the top of where you can walk but to the top were the star and the flag is. After some boldering and playing around on the rocks i was finally to the top. and I took some pictures. Here is a preview but I will put up a web album so that everyone can see. I will let you know when that happens.

Monday, April 9, 2007


I am DECLARING that I am offically amazing and should be up for saint hood. Just do day, I have been copied, put incharge of our prom group, walking into the wrong thing with girls feeling, and now i am on finding a date number 6. 5 of them are not for me. Well i do it cuz i care and something deep down inside of me says i should just do it. I guess all that really counts is seeing everyones smile just for once I did something good.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

One Hell of a Weekend

For that past few days, well at least since wednesday. I had one long night that night, just imagen you best drunk night, where you only remember only bits and peices of, not that is what my night was like just with out the pukeing. That was bad. Well the next day went off with out anything happening, and then friday came and everything just went down the toilet. I lost a really good friend cuz of the whole "I heard this" crap. I usually dont mind cuz i hear about that whole "I heard this" crap alot cuz, for some reason stuff that I do always gets exaggerated and it sucks. Oh well if someone wants to belive other people over me, I dont really care your lost. I went out bowling that night and it was guys vs. girls and the guys lost but we did start down 40 some points. All we have to do is get the girls dessert, not so bad. The next morning, the track team meet down the highway and raced some kids from dc, oh what fun. Its was not so much of a race as just running around in the cold. Well after that I ended up have a nice chat with lizzy and rachel about some really random stuff. that was about it. Easter roled around and i could not go run up to the top of castle rock but oh well i still got my run in. Maybe next week I will get my hike in. So till then its school, prom plans and running.